Created in the Course EDUC 6650 - Workshop for e-learning courses design.
These videos describe the objectives and techniques to be applied to carry out the Virtual Reality for Education course.
Project created in Moodle
Apps and services used:
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Acrobat
Adobe Premiere
Adobe Animate
Adobe Audition
Adobe After Effects
AECT Standards applied
Standard #1 Content Knowledge
- Creation of instructional material
- Use of different technological resources and processes
- Evaluation of the integration with Analytics and Moodle
- Manage of resources to create content
- Ethics by providing credits, references and information of the used resources
Standard #2 Content Pedagogy
- Content with Pedagogy to improve learning performance
- Ethics: use of material that emphasizes in a multicultural society
Standard #4 Professional Knowledge and Skills
- Collaboration with other professionals
- Reflection on practice
Standard #5 Research
- Application of Theoretical Foundations and research methods