FaCI or Facultad de Comunicación e Investigación (Communication and Research Faculty), previously known as Escuela de Comunicación (School of Communication or COPU) which was established in 1977, aimed at training professionals for public mass media. In 2021, COPU merged with Escuela Graduada en Ciencias y Tecnología de la Información (Graduate School of Information Sciences and Technologies or EGCTI).
The faculty, which is accredited by ACEJMC, offers editing laboratories (photography, radio, film, and television), a television laboratory, newsrooms, and computer graphics, as well as workshops and supervised practices in the areas of journalism, radio, television, electronic journalism, photography, public relations, advertising, and cinema. These supervised practices are carried out in WRTU (Cadena Radio Universidad de Puerto Rico) and in public and private companies.
Visual identity
The logos proposed below take into consideration the origin of the School of Communication and the Graduate School of Information Sciences and Technologies in a merger that looks to the future.
Each proposal is made up of a family of logos and texts designed in different orientations, which would be used in the horizontal or vertical format, depending on the support or material chosen.

Apps, Software and platforms used
Team and organization
• Google Workspaces
• Hangouts
• Hangouts
Printed and social media assets
• Adobe Illustrator
• Adobe Photoshop
• Adobe InDesign
• Adobe Acrobat Pro
• Adobe Photoshop
• Adobe InDesign
• Adobe Acrobat Pro